4 plate original hand painted etching
12" X 17"
The elegant Great Egret is the most common egrets in the North America. During breeding season, it grows long feathery plumes called aigrettes to attract a mate. These feathers are sprayed out from the egrets back to display its physical prowess. These wispy feathers were once used as decorations in fashionable ladies’ apparel, so the egrets became a target for plume hunters. Thanks to one of the first conservation movements in the U.S., they became a protected species. It was created with four copper plates and each piece is hand-colored with transparent watercolors.

Single plate original hand painted etching
10 1/2" x 16'
These small 3-inch birds that weigh about 1 oz. and beat their wings about 53 times per second, are found on the eastern half of the United States. They have great vision and see a wider spectrum of colors than the human eye, which helps distinguish flowers. This hand-colored etching presents the pair life size and is enhanced by using iridescent watercolors that sparkle.

Single plate original hand-painted etching.
Roseate Spoonbills have such an unusual beak and head, this piece focuses on these attributes. Tampa has the largest nesting population of Spoonbills in the country, so I am fortunate to see them frequently. This etching was printed from the large “Roseate Spoonbill in Flight” plate on Arches watercolor paper with one ink, black. This watercolor paper gives more latitude in applying watercolor because it has more glue (sizing) then the normal printmaking paper used for editions. All the colors are hand painted. I consider this a varied edition where each print varies considerably, different colors and forms in the sky. Each is an original watercolor.

Single plate hand-colored etching
16" x 10"
These graphically designed birds are designed to be avian submarines, holding their breath for 5 minutes and diving up to 250 under water. Most birds have hollow bones to conserve weight to make flying less burdensome, but loons have solid bones which assist in diving. This is a single plate etching printed with fours colors, then entirely hand-painted with watercolors.

4 plate original hand painted etching
18" X 8"
Years ago, I used to refer to Great Egrets with just their necks and heads protruding from the saw grass as “hooks” and still like that reference. They have a presence in a grassy wetland field that makes me think about precious moments, nature, and the passing of time. Our most magnificent Egret in North America adds a touching note to this landscape. The etching was created with 4 copper plates, then hand-painted with transparent watercolors.

4 plate original hand painted etching
12" X 17"
This beauty of the Great Blue Heron during breeding season is indeed a spectacle to behold! Standing at nearly 5 feet tall; it is the largest heron commonly seen in North America. Because of the variety of its diet; it winters farther north than most herons even near water that is freezing! It is a solitary hunter found in marshy, shallow water areas like the landscape I have created here. This piece was created using four separate copper plates that are individually hand wiped with various colors of inks. The inked plates are placed on fine wet rag paper one at a time and then manually put through a press. After the inked impression has dried; this etching is meticulously hand painted with watercolors making each one unique.

4 plate original hand painted etching
33" X 11"
This four-plate etching displays a Roseate Spoonbill, Brown Pelican, White Pelican and a Tricolored Heron. A subtle creative feature of this etching is that the landscape grasses meet from one plate to the next. The viewer is looking through four windows at these wonderful water birds. Three are permanent residents of Florida, while the White Pelican visits in the winter, some of which travel all the way from Canada (a true snowbird). The plates are hand-printed with black ink, then all the colors are hand painted with transparent watercolor making each piece unique!

4 plate original hand painted etching
37" X 12"
“DaVinci’s Song” is a 4-plate etching that depicts a Cardinal, Robin, Meadowlark, and a Mockingbird in a life size format. This piece is about a poetic connection between art and science; when we hear birds sing, the melodies are like beautiful music for our enjoyment. For our avian friends, it is pretty much a scientific event to attract a mate, protect a territory, warn of predators, etc. The plates have been created so that the pieces flow together; the branches and landscape line up from one plate to the next one in perfect order. The viewer is looking through 4 windows at these singing songbirds. All the colors seen on this etching have been hand painted making each one unique.

Single plate hand-colored etching
16" x 10"
One of the most colorful ducks in North America, Wood Ducks were once considered on the brink of extinction due to nesting habitat loss and hunting. Protective laws and availability of nesting boxes have brought this species back to a healthy population. This is a single plate etching printed with fours colors, then entirely hand-painted with transparent watercolors.

3 plate original hand painted etching
18" X 24"
One of the smallest members of the heron family makes up for size by their vocal assertiveness and physical adjustments. Their accordion neck and exuberant crest will command attention from anyone that interrupts their daily routine. It is one of the few species of birds that uses tools to capture prey. It has been documented that these birds have found objects that look like bait and used those objects to attract small fish which they would ambush for food. This resourceful bird has also been observed swimming for prey like a swan looking for small fish. This life size etching is created with four copper plates, then hand-painted with watercolors.

4 plate original hand painted etching
18" X 8"
This Great Blue Heron is keeping a watchful eye on this sublime landscape teeming with life below the surface. These environments are the life blood of the aquatic ecosystems and act as nurseries for a multitude of creatures. This species practically inhabits every coastal area in the U.S. No surprise since this is the most common heron in North America. The etching was created with 4 plates, then hand-painted with transparent watercolors.