I wanted to show a life size female roseate spoonbill flying majestically over the water's edge in her exquisite breeding plumage. A stunning large etching showing the Roseate Spoonbill life size. Tampa Bay has the largest nesting population of Spoonbills in the country, so I am fortunate to see them frequently. Rarely does one get close enough to view this magnificent bird with all these details and colors. Each etching is meticulously hand-painted with transparent watercolors giving it exceptional color like the actual bird. This etching was created with 4 copper plates, and 12 different inks. The detail is very evident with the etching process and the closer you look the more detail you will see. This edition is nearly sold out.
44" X 30"
$4,080.00 SOLD OUT
Framed size:
62" X 47"
4 plate original hand painted etching