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This beautiful 90-page catalogue documents the “Etched Feathers” exhibition at the Tampa Bay History Center.  The exhibit included 65 pieces in addition to a video and support material about the process, a baby etching press and tools, lithographic stones from the early 1900’s, bird houses, and an original copy of Mark Catesby’s “The Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands” 1754.  It is currently being converted into a traveling exhibition that will visit many locations in the future.  Printed on heavy cover stock and the text pages on 100 lb. paper, this is an impressive catalogue.  He will personally endorse and sign each one before shipping. 

"Etched Feathers"

  • Catalogue Details:

    Catalogue size is 8 ½” x 11”, 90 pages with full color images.  Cover printed on heavy stock and pages printed on heavy, 100 lb. quality paper similar to a soft cover book.  

  • Shipping:

    Shipped within 10 days, book rate, in a durable protective envelope. 

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